Marshall Craft
Mechanical Engineer | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 704.576.3241

My Portfolio

Fall 2015

For 2.008, Design and Manufacturing II, we worked in small teams to design and manufacture a yo-yo in small runs. I worked to produce the cookie parts and worked alot on the molds.

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Water Sensing Enclosure
August 2015

For this project I was to design and CAD an enclosure to be used in chemical water sensing. I worked with two graduate students to ensure my design fit their specs and sourced parts while at the same time could be machined by the MIT shop.

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X-Ray Grating Holder
Summer 2015

During my time at the Kavli Institute I helped design and model this grating holder for their x-ray polarimetry experiments. It was made to fit in their existing experimental setup to secure their new diffraction gratings.

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